In the 20th book of Atharva Veda Hymn-127, some Suktas (chapters) are known as ‘kuntap sukt’. ‘Kuntap’ means ‘the consumer of misery and troubles', thus meaning ‘the message of peace and safety’. This translated in Arabic means Islam.
‘Kuntap’ also means hidden glands in the abdomen. These mantras are probably called so because their true meaning was hidden and was to be revealed in future. Its hidden meaning is also connected with the naval or the middle point of the earth. Makkah is called the ‘ummul Qura’, or ‘the mother of the towns’ or ‘the naval of the earth’ in many revealed books. It was the first house of worship of the One God where Almighty God gave spiritual nourishment to the world. The Glorious Qur’an says:
“The first House (of worship) appointed for men
was that at Bakka (Makkah) full of blessing
and of guidance for all kinds of beings.”
(Al Qur’an 3:96)
Another name for Makkah is Becca. Thus ‘kuntap’ stands for Makkah or Becca.
Several people like M. Bloom Field, Prof Ralph Griffith, Pandit Rajaram, Pandit Khem Karan and others have translated these kuntap suktas. The main points mentioned in the kuntap suktas in Atharvaved book 20 Hymn 127 verses 1-13 are:
Mantra 1
He is narashansah or the praised one (Mohammad).
He is Kaurama the prince of peace or the emigrant, who is safe even amongst a host of 60,090 enemies.
Mantra 2.
He is a camel-riding Rishi, whose chariot touches the heaven.
Mantra 3.
He is Mamah Rishi.
Mantra 4
Vachyesv rebh ‘Oh! Ye who glorifies.’
Mantra 14
We glorify or praise the great hero with a song of praise and a prayer. Please accept this praise so that evil may not befall us.
(i) The Sanskrit word ‘Narashansah’ means ‘the praised one’ which is the literal translation of the Arabic word Muhammad (pbuh).
The Sanskrit word ‘Kaurama’ means ‘one who spreads and promotes peace’. The holy Prophet was the ‘prince of peace’ and he preached equality of human kind and universal brotherhood. ‘Kaurama’ also means ‘an emigrant’. The Prophet migrated from Makkah to Madeenah and was thus an emigrant.
(ii) He will be protected from 60,090 enemies, which was the population of Makkah. The prophet would ride a camel. This clearly indicates that, it cannot be an Indian Rishi since it is forbidden for a Brahman to ride a camel. According to Manu Smriti chapter 11 verse 202 sacred books of the east, volume 25, Laws of Manu pg. 472 “A Brahman is prohibited from riding a camel or an ass and to bathe naked. He should purify himself by suppressing his breath”.
(iii) This mantra gave the Rishi name as Mamah. No Rishi in India or any other prophet had this name. ‘Mamah’ is derived from ‘Mah’ which means to esteem highly, or to revere, and to exalt. Some Sanskrit books give the prophet’s name as ‘Mahamad’ but this word according to Sanskrit grammer can also be used in the bad sense. It is incorrect to apply grammar to an Arabic word. Actually Mamah has the same meaning and somewhat similar pronunciation as the word Muhammad (pbuh).
Battle in which the Prophet was victorious without an actual conflict of the Allies described in the Vedas
It is mentioned is Atharvaveda Book 20 hymn 21, verse 6: “O Lord of the truthful! These liberators drinks, these feats of bravery and the inspiring songs gladdened thee in the field of battle. When thou renderst vanquished without fight the ten thousand opponents of the praying one, the adoring one.”
(i) This Prophecy of the Veda describes the well-known battle of Ahzab or the battle of the Allies during the time of Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh). The Prophet was victorious without an actual conflict, which is mentioned in the Qur’an:
“When the believers saw the confederate forces they said:
This is what Allah and his Messenger had promised us,
and Allah and His Messenger told us what was true.”
And it only added to their faith and their zeal in obedience.
(Al Qur’an 33:22)
(ii) The Sanskrit word ‘karo’ in the Mantra means the ‘Praising one’ which when translated into Arabic means Ahmed, the second name of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
(iii) The 10,000 opponents mentioned in the mantra were the enemies of the prophet and the Muslims were only 3000 in number.
(iv) The last words of the Mantra ‘aprati ni bashayah’ means the defeat was given to the enemies without an actual fight.
e. The enemies defeat in the conquest of Makkah.
It is mentioned in Atharva Veda book 20 Hymn 21 verse no. 9.
“You have O Indira overthrown 20 kings and 60,099 men with an outstripping chariot wheel who came to fight the praised one or far famed (Muhammad) Orphan”
(i) The population of Makkah at the time of Prophet’s advent was nearly 60,000.
(ii) There were several clans in Makkah each having its own chief. Totally there were about 20 chiefs to rule the population of Makkah.
(iii) An ‘Abandhu’ meaning a ‘helpless man’ who was far famed and ‘Praised one’ [Muhammad (pbuh)] overcame his enemies with the help of God.
f. A similar prophecy is also found in Rigveda Book I, Hymn 53 verse 9.
The Sanskrit word used is ‘Sushrama’ which means praiseworthy or well praised which in Arabic means Muhammad (pbuh).
g. Muhammad (pbuh) did not drink his mother’s milk.
It is mentioned in
(i) Samveda Agni, mantra 64 (S.V. m-64)
(ii) Samveda Book 1 chapter 2, decade 2, verse 2 (S.V. 1:2:2:2)
The habits of this child are very strange. He does not go to his mother for milk, his mother does not feed him milk and yet as soon as he is born he takes up the noble assignment of prophet hood”.
Muhammad (pbuh) was an orphan and thus none of the wet nurses were interested in taking care of him. On the other hand, no mother was willing to give her child to Lady Halima because she did not seem to have enough milk. Thus Lady Halima took Muhammad (pbuh) home for breast-feeding, and as soon as she began to breast-feed Muhammad (pbuh), there was a surge of milk in her breasts.
h. Muhammad (pbuh) prophesied by name as Ahmed
(i) Samveda Uttararchika, mantra 1500
(Samveda Part 2 Book 7 chapter 1 section 5 verse 1) and
(ii) Samveda Indra chapter 2 mantra 152
(Samveda Book 2 chapter 2 decade 1 verse 8)
Similarly he has been prophesied by name as Ahmed in
(iii) Yajurveda chapter 31 verse 18
(iv) Rigveda Book 8 hymn 6 verse 10
(v) Atharvaveda Book 8 chapter 5 verse 16
(vi) Atharvaveda Book 20 chapter 126 verse 14
Muhammad (pbuh) has prophesied by name as Ahmed also in Samveda Uttararchik mantra 1500 Part II Book VII chapter 1 section 5 verse 1 and Samved Indra chapter 2 mantra 152 Book 2 chapter 2 decade 1 verse 8)
“Ahmed acquired from his Lord the knowledge of eternal law. I received light from him just as from the sun”. The Prophecy confirms –
(i) The name of the Prophet as Ahmed. Since Ahmed is an Arabic name, many translators misunderstood it to be Ahm at hi and translated the mantra as I alone have acquired the real wisdom of my father.
(ii) The Prophet was given eternal law i.e. Shari’ah.
(iii) The Rishi was enlightened by the Shari’ah of Prophet Muhammad. The Glorious Qur’an says in Surah Saba:
“We have not sent thee but as a universal
(Messenger) to men, giving them glad tidings
and warning them (against sin), but most men
understand not.”
(Al Qur’an 34:28)
* “At night, he of the angelic disposition, the shrewd man, in the guise of a Pishacha said to Raja Bhoj, "O Raja! Your Arya Dharma has been made to prevail over all religions, but according to the commandments of ‘Ishwar Parmatma (God, Supreme Spirit), I shall enforce the strong creed of the meat-eaters.” (Bhavishya Puran)
It is also clear that Kalki Avtar will be meat eater, while in Hindu Dharma meat eating is prohibited. So it is clear that Kalki Avtar will not be from Hindu Dharma. Some people may argue that ‘Raja’ Bhoj mentioned in the prophecy lived in the 11th century C.E. 500 years after the advent of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and was the descendant in the 10th generation of Raja Shalivahan. These people fail to realise that there was not only one Raja of the name Bhoj. The Egyptian Monarchs were called as Pharaoh and the Roman Kings were known as Caesar, similarly the Indian Rajas were given the title of Bhoj. There were several Raja Bhoj who came before the one in 11th Century C.E.)
* “My follower will be a man circumcised, without a tail (on his head), keeping beard, creating a revolution, announcing call for prayer (Adan) and will be eating all lawful things. He will eat all sorts of animals except swine”. (Bhavishya Puran)
In Hindu Dharam Pundits or Brahmins keeps the tail on their heads, while according to Hindu Scripture Kalki will be without tail and on the contrary, he will be keeping the beard, it is well known that it is the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to keep the beard. And only in Islam, Muslims call for prayer during their Adan before Namaz (prayer). In Islam all lawful things and animals are allowed or Halal, while, swine or pork is prohibited (Haram) by God. According to Quran (5.88) “Eat of the lawful and good things, which Allah has provided you.” And (2.173) “He has forbidden you the dead blood, and the flesh of swine”)
* "They will not seek purification from the holy shrubs, but will be purified through warfare (Jihad). Because of their fighting the irreligious nations, they will be known as Musalmans (Muslims). I shall be the originator of this religion of the meat-eating nation." (Bhavishya Puran)
This indication has clearly proved that the Kalki Avtar is none other than Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), because the Nation or Ummah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is known as Muslims or Musalman.
* The Sanskrit word used is Sushrama, which means praiseworthy or well praised which in Arabic means Muhammad (PBUH). [Rigveda Book I, Hymn 53 verse 9]
Another name of Prophet Muhammad is AHMED, no other prophet had this name except prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as Prophet Esa (PBUH) also gave the indication of a Messenger to his nation, who will come after him and his name will be AHMED. According to Quran (61.6)"And remember, Jesus, the son of Mary, said, 'O Children of Israel! I am the messenger of Allah (sent) to you, confirming the Law (which came) before me and giving glad tidings of a messenger to come after me, whose name shall be AHMED.' But when he came to them with clear signs, they said, 'this is evident sorcery!" (61.6) Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) gave the Islamic Law of SHARIAH. According to Quran (34.28) “ We have sent thee but as a universal (Messenger) to men, giving them glad tidings and warning them (against sin), but most men understand not.”
* "He is Narashansah or the praised one (Muhammad). He is Kaurama: the prince of peace or the emigrant, who is safe, even amongst a host of 60,090 enemies. He is a camel-riding Rishi, whose chariot touches the heaven". [Atharvaveda book 20 Hymn 127 verses 1-13]
The Sanskrit word Narashansah means ‘the praised one’, which is the literal translation of the Arabic word Muhammad (PBUH). The Sanskrit word Kaurama means ‘one who spreads and promotes peace’. The holy Prophet was the ‘Prince of Peace’ and he preached equality of human kind and universal brotherhood. Kaurama also means an emigrant. The Prophet migrated from Makkah to Madinah and was thus also an Emigrant. He will be protected from 60,090 enemies, which was the population of Makkah. The Prophet would ride a camel. This clearly indicates that it cannot be an Indian Rishi, This mantra gave the Rishi's name as Mamah. No rishi in India or another Prophet had this name Mamah that is derived from Mah, which means to esteem highly, or to revere, to exalt, etc. Some Sanskrit books give the Prophet’s name as ‘Mohammad’.
According to Buddhism, Buddha said “ I am not the only Buddha after me, at appropriate time a great Buddha will come and his name will be “MAITREYA” which means love, kindness, compassion, mercy etc. The Arabic for mercy is rehmet. RAHMAT is the title given to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the Holy Quran (21:07) “Rahmatan lil Alameen” Mercy unto the worlds. Buddha further said, “He will migrate from his homeland” (Makkah to Madinah).
* "The wagon-possessor, the truthful and truth loving, extremely wise, powerful and generous, Mamah [Mohammad] has favored me with his words. The son of the All-powerful, possessing all good attributes, the mercy for the worlds has become famous with ten thousand [companions]". [Rig Veda V, 27, Mantra 1]
The ten thousands Saints refer to the ten thousands companions who accompanied the Prophet (PBUH) when he entered Makkah during return to Makkah which was a unique victory in the history of mankind in which there was no blood shed.
* "He gave the Mamah Rishi a hundred gold coins, ten chaplets, three hundred steeds and ten thousand cows". [Kuntap Sukt, Atharva Veda, Mantra 3]
He is given 100 gold coins, which refers to the believers and the earlier companions of the Prophet during his turbulent Makkan life. Later on due to persecution they migrated from Makkah to Abysinia. Later when Prophet migrated to Madinah all of them joined him in Madinah.
The 10 chaplets or necklaces were the 10 best companions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) known as Ashra-Mubbashshira distinctly in Islam (10 bestowed with good news).
300 good steeds (horses of Arab Breed) refer to those companions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who fought at BADR. (Their actual number was 313; however, in many prophecies the numbers are usually rounded up.)
Quran: prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is not only warner for one nation but, for the whole mankind
The Quran informs us that, prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is not only Warner for one nation but, for the whole mankind, it further informs that, the prophecy of Muhammad (PBUH) was foretold in the previous Scriptures revealed on different nations.
* " Blessed is He who has sent down the Criterion to His worshiper (Prophet Muhammad), that he is a Warner to all mankind." (25:1)
* "We sent thee not but as a Mercy for all the creatures" (21:107)
* "We sent thee not but as a bringer of good tidings and a Warner unto all mankind."(34:28)
* "Those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in their own (scriptures) in the law and the Gospel". (7.157)
The above references from the Hindu Scriptures prove that Hindus were foretold about the worship of one God and were also foretold about the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in their Holy Scriptures. This true religion of Vedas gradually got corrupted and converted in to Hinduism of present form.
According to Holy Quran:-
* “This day I have perfected your religion for you and completed my favor to you. I have approved Islam to be your religion …” (5.3).
* “Allah has chosen for you the religion. Do not die except being Submissive (2.132)
* "The only religion with Allah is Islam (submission) (3:19)
* "He who chooses a religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted from him and in the everlasting life he will be among the losers” (3:85)
we all should use our wisdom & intellect to understand the holy scriptures revealed.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is mentioned as ‘Narashangsa’
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is mentioned as ‘Narashangsa’ with description in the Hindu scriptures in several places including:
I. Rigveda Book 1 hymn 13 verse 3
II. Rigveda Book 1 hymn 18 verse 9
III. Rigveda Book 1 hymn 106 verse 4
IV. Rigveda Book 1 hymn 142 verse 3
V. Rigveda Book 2 hymn 3 verse 2
VI. Rigveda Book 3 hymn 29 verse 11
VII. Rigveda Book 5 hymn 5 verse 2
VIII. Rigveda Book 7 hymn 2 verse 2
IX. Rigveda Book 10 hymn 64 verse 3
X. Rigveda Book 10 hymn 182 verse 2
XI. Samveda Uttararchik mantra 1349
XII. Yajurved chapter 29 verse 27
XIII. Yajurved Book 1 chapter 6 verse 4
XIV. Yajurved Book 1 chapter 7 verse 4
XV. Yajurved chapter 20 verse 37
XVI. Yajurved chapter 20 verse 57
XVII. Yajurved chapter 21 verse 31
XVIII. Yajurved chapter 21 verse 55
XIX. Yajurved chapter 28 verse 2
XX. Yajurved chapter 28 verse 19
XXI. Yajurved chapter 28 verse 42
I. Rigveda Book 1 hymn 13 verse 3
II. Rigveda Book 1 hymn 18 verse 9
III. Rigveda Book 1 hymn 106 verse 4
IV. Rigveda Book 1 hymn 142 verse 3
V. Rigveda Book 2 hymn 3 verse 2
VI. Rigveda Book 3 hymn 29 verse 11
VII. Rigveda Book 5 hymn 5 verse 2
VIII. Rigveda Book 7 hymn 2 verse 2
IX. Rigveda Book 10 hymn 64 verse 3
X. Rigveda Book 10 hymn 182 verse 2
XI. Samveda Uttararchik mantra 1349
XII. Yajurved chapter 29 verse 27
XIII. Yajurved Book 1 chapter 6 verse 4
XIV. Yajurved Book 1 chapter 7 verse 4
XV. Yajurved chapter 20 verse 37
XVI. Yajurved chapter 20 verse 57
XVII. Yajurved chapter 21 verse 31
XVIII. Yajurved chapter 21 verse 55
XIX. Yajurved chapter 28 verse 2
XX. Yajurved chapter 28 verse 19
XXI. Yajurved chapter 28 verse 42
Muhammad (pbuh) prophesied in Bhavishya Purana
“A malechha (belonging to a foreign country and speaking foreign language) spiritual teacher will appear with his companions. His name will be Mahamad. Raja (Bhoj) after giving this Mahadev Arab (of angelic disposition) a bath in the 'Panchgavya' and the Ganges water, (i.e. purging him of all sins) offered him the presents of his sincere devotion and showing him all reverence said, 'I make obeisance to thee.' 'O Ye! the pride of mankind, the dweller in Arabia, Ye have collected a great force to kill the Devil and you yourself have been protected from the malechha opponents (idol worshipers, pagans).' ‘O Ye! the image of the Most Pious God the biggest Lord, I am a slave to thee, take me as one lying on thy feet.' "
Bhavishya Puran,’ (literally meaning future events).
Bhavishya Puran,’ (literally meaning future events).
This extact from veda below Muhammad by name is found in Prati Sarg Parv III: 3, 3, Verse 5
The Prophecy clearly states:
(i) The name of the Prophet as Muhammad.
(ii) He will belong to Arabia; the Sanskrit word Marusthal means a sandy track of land or a desert.
(iii) Special mention is made of the companions of the prophet i.e. the Sahabas. No other Prophet had as many companions as Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
(iv) He is referred as the pride of mankind (Parbatis nath).
The Glorious Qur’an reconfirms:
“And thou (standest) on an exalted standard of character”
(Al Qur’an 68:4)
(v) He will kill the devil i.e. abolish idol worship and all sorts of vices.
(vi) The prophet will be protected against his enemies.
Some people may argue that Raja Bhoj mentioned in the prophecy lived in the 11th century C.E.i.e. 500 years after the advent of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and that he was the descendant of the 10th generation of Raja Shalivahan. These people fail to realize that there was not only one Raja of the name Bhoj. The Egyptian Monarchs were called as Pharaohs and the Roman Kings were known as Caesars. Similarly Indian Rajas were given the title of Bhoj. There were several Raja Bhojs who came before the one in 11th Century C.E.
The prophet did not physically take a bath in Panch gavya and the water of Ganges. Since the water of Ganges is considered holy, taking bath in the Ganges is an idiom meaning washing away or making immune from all sorts of sins. Here the prophecy implies that prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was sinless i.e. ‘maasoom’.
According to Bhavishya Purana in the Pratisarag Parv III, Khand 3, Adhyay 3 Shalokas 10 to 27 Maharishi Vyas has prophesied:
“The Malechha have spoiled the well-known land of the Arabs. Arya Dharma is not to be found in the country. Before also there appeared a misguided fiend whom I had killed; he has now again appeared being sent by a powerful enemy. To show these enemies the right path and to give them guidance the well-known Mohamad (Mohammad) who has been given by me, the epithet of Brahma, is busy in bringing the ‘Pishachas’ to the right path. O Raja, you need not go to the land of the foolish Pishachas, you will be purified through my kindness even where you are. At night, he of the angelic disposition, the shrewd man, in the guise of a pischacha said to Raja Bhoj, O Raja! Your Arya Dharma has been made to prevail over all religions, but according to the commandments of Ishwar Parmatama, I shall enforce the strong creed of the meat eaters. My followers will be men circumcised, without a tail (on his head), keeping beard, creating a revolution announcing Adhan (call for prayer) and will be eating all lawful things. He will eat all sorts of animals except swine. They will not seek purification from the holy shrubs, but will be purified through warfare. On account of their fighting the irreligious nations, they will be known as Musalmaans. I shall be the originator of this religion of the meat-eating nation.”
The Prophecy states that
(i) The evildoers have corrupted the Arab land.
(ii) Arya Dharma is not found in that land.
(iii) The present enemies will be destroyed just as the previous enemies like Abraha had perished.
The Qur’an speaks about these sorts of previous enemies in Surah Al Fil (Al Qur’an 105:1-5)
(iv) Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has been given the title Brahma to guide the opponents of truth.
(vi) The Indian Raja need not go to Arab land since his purification will take place in India after the Musalmaan will arise in India.
(vi) The coming Prophet will attest the truth of the Aryan faith i.e. Monotheism and will reform the misguided people.
(vii) The Prophet’s followers will be circumcised. They will be without a tale on their heads, they will keep beards and they will create a great revolution.
(viii) They will announce the adhan i.e. ‘call for prayer’.
(ix) He will only eat lawful things and animals, but will not eat pork. The Qur’an confirms this in no less than 4 different places:
In Surah Al-Baqarah chapter 2 verse 173
In Surah Al-Maidah chapter 5 verse 3
In Surah Al-Anam chapter 6 verse 145
In Surah Al-Nahl Chapter 16 verse 115
“Forbidden for you for food are dead meat, blood, flesh of swine and that on which had been invoked the name of other than Allah.
(x) They will not purify with grass like the Hindus, but by means of sword they will fight the evil-doers.
(xi) They will be called Musalmaan.
(xii) They will be a meat-eating nation.
The Qur’an permits humans to eat herbivorous animals in Surah Maidah chapter 5 verse no. 1 and in Surah Mu’minoon chapter 23 verse 21
(xiii) Commentary
According to Bhavishya Purana Part – III, khand 1, Adhyay 3, shlokas 21-23
Corruption and persecution are in seven sacred cities of Kashi etc. India is inhabited by Rakshas, Shabar, Bhil and other foolish people. In the land of ‘Malechhas’ the followers of the ‘Malechah dharma’ (Islam) are wise and brave people. All good qualities are found in Musalmaans and all sorts of vices have accumulated in the land of the Aryas. Islam will rule in India and its island. Having known these facts O Meeni, glorify the name of the Lord”.
The Prophecy clearly states:
(i) The name of the Prophet as Muhammad.
(ii) He will belong to Arabia; the Sanskrit word Marusthal means a sandy track of land or a desert.
(iii) Special mention is made of the companions of the prophet i.e. the Sahabas. No other Prophet had as many companions as Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
(iv) He is referred as the pride of mankind (Parbatis nath).
The Glorious Qur’an reconfirms:
“And thou (standest) on an exalted standard of character”
(Al Qur’an 68:4)
(v) He will kill the devil i.e. abolish idol worship and all sorts of vices.
(vi) The prophet will be protected against his enemies.
Some people may argue that Raja Bhoj mentioned in the prophecy lived in the 11th century C.E.i.e. 500 years after the advent of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and that he was the descendant of the 10th generation of Raja Shalivahan. These people fail to realize that there was not only one Raja of the name Bhoj. The Egyptian Monarchs were called as Pharaohs and the Roman Kings were known as Caesars. Similarly Indian Rajas were given the title of Bhoj. There were several Raja Bhojs who came before the one in 11th Century C.E.
The prophet did not physically take a bath in Panch gavya and the water of Ganges. Since the water of Ganges is considered holy, taking bath in the Ganges is an idiom meaning washing away or making immune from all sorts of sins. Here the prophecy implies that prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was sinless i.e. ‘maasoom’.
According to Bhavishya Purana in the Pratisarag Parv III, Khand 3, Adhyay 3 Shalokas 10 to 27 Maharishi Vyas has prophesied:
“The Malechha have spoiled the well-known land of the Arabs. Arya Dharma is not to be found in the country. Before also there appeared a misguided fiend whom I had killed; he has now again appeared being sent by a powerful enemy. To show these enemies the right path and to give them guidance the well-known Mohamad (Mohammad) who has been given by me, the epithet of Brahma, is busy in bringing the ‘Pishachas’ to the right path. O Raja, you need not go to the land of the foolish Pishachas, you will be purified through my kindness even where you are. At night, he of the angelic disposition, the shrewd man, in the guise of a pischacha said to Raja Bhoj, O Raja! Your Arya Dharma has been made to prevail over all religions, but according to the commandments of Ishwar Parmatama, I shall enforce the strong creed of the meat eaters. My followers will be men circumcised, without a tail (on his head), keeping beard, creating a revolution announcing Adhan (call for prayer) and will be eating all lawful things. He will eat all sorts of animals except swine. They will not seek purification from the holy shrubs, but will be purified through warfare. On account of their fighting the irreligious nations, they will be known as Musalmaans. I shall be the originator of this religion of the meat-eating nation.”
The Prophecy states that
(i) The evildoers have corrupted the Arab land.
(ii) Arya Dharma is not found in that land.
(iii) The present enemies will be destroyed just as the previous enemies like Abraha had perished.
The Qur’an speaks about these sorts of previous enemies in Surah Al Fil (Al Qur’an 105:1-5)
(iv) Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has been given the title Brahma to guide the opponents of truth.
(vi) The Indian Raja need not go to Arab land since his purification will take place in India after the Musalmaan will arise in India.
(vi) The coming Prophet will attest the truth of the Aryan faith i.e. Monotheism and will reform the misguided people.
(vii) The Prophet’s followers will be circumcised. They will be without a tale on their heads, they will keep beards and they will create a great revolution.
(viii) They will announce the adhan i.e. ‘call for prayer’.
(ix) He will only eat lawful things and animals, but will not eat pork. The Qur’an confirms this in no less than 4 different places:
In Surah Al-Baqarah chapter 2 verse 173
In Surah Al-Maidah chapter 5 verse 3
In Surah Al-Anam chapter 6 verse 145
In Surah Al-Nahl Chapter 16 verse 115
“Forbidden for you for food are dead meat, blood, flesh of swine and that on which had been invoked the name of other than Allah.
(x) They will not purify with grass like the Hindus, but by means of sword they will fight the evil-doers.
(xi) They will be called Musalmaan.
(xii) They will be a meat-eating nation.
The Qur’an permits humans to eat herbivorous animals in Surah Maidah chapter 5 verse no. 1 and in Surah Mu’minoon chapter 23 verse 21
(xiii) Commentary
According to Bhavishya Purana Part – III, khand 1, Adhyay 3, shlokas 21-23
Corruption and persecution are in seven sacred cities of Kashi etc. India is inhabited by Rakshas, Shabar, Bhil and other foolish people. In the land of ‘Malechhas’ the followers of the ‘Malechah dharma’ (Islam) are wise and brave people. All good qualities are found in Musalmaans and all sorts of vices have accumulated in the land of the Aryas. Islam will rule in India and its island. Having known these facts O Meeni, glorify the name of the Lord”.
Is “Kalki Avtar” described in the Hindu scriptures, same as prophet Mohammad
According to Hindu belief, the Hindu world awaits "the guide and leader", named Kalki Avatar. The Avtar is going to appear in the future, who will be the final Avtar and he will be bless for all mankind and kill the evil. There are several indications and specifications have been predicted and mentioned about the Avtar. And all these specifications and indications fit on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). We should keep in mind that the last prophet cannot be someone having a minor impact on the socio-religious setup of the world but a prominent personality. Specifications like date of birth, geographical character of place of birth and that the body emitted a sweet scent do not fit any other major personality in the world simultaneously. Because all the incidents, which have been mentioned about the coming of Avtar, have already been passed through with the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), it is logical not to wait for the Avtar in the future.
"The prophet who will be born in Kali Yug, His name will be “SARWANAMA”."
(Chapter “Party Sarg” of Bhavishya Puran)
The meaning of “ANAMA” is praised one and “SARW” means all, so “Sarwanama” means the most revered or praised one and in Arabic language “Muhammad “ has the same meaning, if we translate Sanskrit word Sarwanama in to Arabic language it will be “Muhammad” only difference is the language.
Kalki Avatar
It is mentioned in Bhagvata Purana Khand 12 Adhyay 2 shlokas 18-20:
“It is in the house of Vishnuyash, the noble soul Brahmana chief of the village called sambhala that Lord Kalki will be incarnated”.
“The Lord of the universe, endowed with eight spiritual powers and excellence was unsurpassed in splendour and glory. Riding on a fleet horse given to him by angels, and with a sword in his hand, the saviour of the world will subdue all the miscreants”.
It is mentioned inBhagwat Purana Khand 1 Adhyay 3 Shloka 25:
“Then in the twilight of the Kali age, when kings will be as good as robbers, this protector of the world will be born of Vishnuyasa under the name Kalki“. The description of the Kalki Avatar i.e. the final Avatar is given in the verses Kalki Purana chapter 2 verses 4, 5, 7, 11 & 15.
1. Mother’s name Sumati i.e. Aaminah
The name of his mother will be Sumati (K.P.2: 4 & 11), which means gentle and thoughtful, Prophet Muhammad’s mother’s name was Aaminah, which means peaceful and gentle.
2. Father’s name Vishnuyash i.e. Abdullah.
His father’s name will be ‘Vishnuyash’ which means ‘worshipper of Vishnu’ i.e. ‘worshipper of God’. Muhammad’s father’s name was Abdullah which means ‘obedient worshipper of Allah i.e. God’.
3. Born in Sambhala i.e. Makkah
He will be born in a village called ‘Sambhala’ which means house of peace and security. Makkah is known as Darul Aman, which means house of peace and security.
4. Born in house of Chief Priest.
He will be born in the house of chief of the village Sambhala. Muhammad (pbuh) was born in the house of the chief of the Kaaba.
"So Kalki Avtar will take birth in 'Shambal Gram' in the house of brahmn Mahnt (religious leader) named Wishnu Wesh.
(Kalki Puran, Adhiyai 2, Ashlok 4),
(Bhagwat Puran, Skand 12, Adhyai 2, Ashlok 18)
BRAHMIN MAHANT mean spiritual and highly respected preist and Makkah’s highly respected preist was “Hasham”, then Hasham’s son “Abdul Mutlib” became the leading preist of Makkah, who was the grand father of prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Muhammad was born in home of Abdul Mutlib. In short, Muhammad was born in the respectable tribe of Quraish who enjoyed great respect and high place in Makkah.
5. Born on the 12th day of Madhav i.e. Rabi-ul-Awwal.
It is prophesied that Kalki Avtar will be born on the 12th day of the bright (first) half of the month of Madhav. It is a historical fact Muhammad (pbuh) was born on the 12th day of the bright half of the month of Rabi-ul-Awwal.
6. He will be the Antim or final Avatar
He has been described as the ‘Antim’ i.e. ‘the last and final’ of all the Avatars. The Qur’an also mentions:
"Kalki will born on 12th of month of Besakh (in 7th century)" (Kalki Puran, Adhiyai 2, Ashlok 15)
Besakh is famous month of Indian calendar. As per that calendar the date of birth of Mohammad (peace be upon him) is 12 Besakh 628 Bakrami. And that day as per Arabic calendar, Month Rabi I, year AlFeel and 2nd Monday. And this day was very pious near Hindus.
Date of birth of the Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) is exactly same in all history books.
Kalki Avtar would ride horse, camel and keep the sword to kill the devil and enemies of religion.
It means that Kalki Avtar will be born in the time before present age when horse and camel were used for riding and sword was being used for fight. And in this period and in the coming future people will use cars, train & planes for riding and guns, missiles for fighting. We should not forget that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used both horses & camels, and he fought with sword during battles against those who tried to eliminate the Muslims.
"Father of Kalki Avtar will die before his birth and his mother will die after some time of his birth."
(Kalki Puran & Bhagut Puran, Skand 12)
Father of the Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) died 6 month before his birth and mother died 6 years after his birth.
* Kalki Avtar’s Father will die before his birth and his Mother will die after few years of his birth. (Kalki Puran, Bhaghwat Puran Khand 12)
These two indications clearly fit on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). His Father died earlier to his birth and his Mother died when Muhammad was only six year old. For reference please study the life history of prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
According to Kalki Puran, the Kalki Avtar will receive wisdom or knowledge on a mountain’s cave from PERSHURAM (angel).
It is well known that Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) was often going to the cave Hira near Makkah (still present) and there one night Angel Gabriel brought the message of God, "Read with the name of God…." And this revelation process continued all his life. And Pershoram is name of an angel with Hindu religion who brings destruction for disbelievers. And one name for Gabriel is Ruh Al Quddus (Holy Spirit), which is synonym of Pershoram in Sanskrit.
For reference Holy Quran (96:1) “Read (Prophet Muhammad) with the name of Allah” and he replied “ I am not learned” the same indication was given in the Christian’s scripture (Isaiah chapter 29 verse 12) “ and the book delivered to him that is not learned, saying “ Read this”, I pray thee: and he said, I am not learned”, this is another prove of his prophecy. So prophet Muhammad received his first revelation in the cave of mountain HIRA. And this prediction also fits on him.
"Kalki Avtar will marry a respected lady of Salmal Dip and this marriage ceremony will be arranged by one uncle and three brothers."
(Kalki Puran & Bhagut Puran)
Salmal Dip is Arabian Peninsula as per old Hindu traditions. The wife of Mohammad (peace be upon him) was Khudija and she was most respected lady in Quraish. The marriage ceremony was arranged by his uncle Abu Talib his three sons Jafar, Talib and Aqeel.
"Kalki Avtar will start preaching his religion from his city Shumbal Gram (city of peace), which is in Salmal Dip (Arabia). The people of this city will oppose him and treat him cruelly. Then he will leave this city and migrate to another city in North which will be surrounded by rocky hills and mountains. And after a certain period He will come back to his native city with sword and conquer it. And after that all the country will be conquered.
(Kalki Puran)
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) started his preaching from Makkah (city of peace), which is situated in the Arabian peninsula. Such a land mass surrounded on most of its sides by water is geographically known as “deep” in hindi and “Jazeera” in urdu and Arabic. Thus Saudi Arabia is also commonly known in the Arabic speaking world as Jazeeratul Arab or the island of Arabia (called in kalki puran as salmal deep).
You see Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) started preaching in City of Peace (Makkah) and he was opposed by his people. The he migrated to Madinah which is 400km to the North of Makkah, and is surrounded by the mountains. And after reaching here the Makkans started fighting with the Muslims. And after eight years, he came with sword to Makkah and conquered it and then he promulgated the law of God. And after that all Arab was conquered.
* He will receive a flying horse from God, which will be faster than lightning. Riding it he will go around earth and seven skies” (Bhagwat Puran Khand 12, Adhay 2, Shloka 19-20)
This prediction is about Kalki Avtar also match with the Incidence of “MIRAJ” For reference see Holy Quran (17.1) and for detail Hadith s of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) regarding Incidence of Miraj.
Kalki will fight with the enemies of religion with sword and will destroy many Satan natured and bad character people in the disguise of rulers.
(Bhagut Puran)
* According to the scripture Kalki Avtaar will split the moon.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) showed this miracle 1,400 ago. For reference see Holy Quran (54:1-3) “The hour drew night and moon rend (split) in twain …” For more details about moon splitting please study the hadiths of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (Volume 4, book 56, number 830-832 and volume 5, book 58, number 209-211) According to these hadiths” the people of Makkah asked Allah’s Apostle to show a miracle (sign of his Prophecy). So he showed them the moon split in two halves between which they saw the Hiram Mountain”
There is an interesting tradition in India. Bhoj was an Indian king, there is still city Bhoj on his name in the territory of Kachh (Gujrat). Raja was born after so many years of Bhavish Puran during the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). One night he saw moon splitting in two, he asked the Pundits, they studied the Vedas and Puranas, and told the king that this is the miracle of last prophet, when king asked the signs or descriptions of the Prophet, they told,” He will be from the city of peace (Makkah) and will be born in the house of a religious saint, his name will be “Narashansah” (the praised one) meaning Muhammad in Arabic, he will have four Khulafa and have 12 wifes “. In search of Narashansah, he came to know that he appeared in Makkah. He met with him and embraced Islam at the hand of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and prophet gave him the name Abdullah, when he came back to home his family did not accept him. He spend his whole life in remembering Prophet and in worship of one God.
For reference (Dr. Kamala Kant Tewari’s book “Kalyuge Ke Antim Rishi” Page5, he took this from Pundit Dharm Ved Apadhye’s book “Antim Ishwar Doot” page 97). So Raja was the first Indian who embraced Islam.
Kalki Avtar will be helped by angel during war. (Kalki Puran Adhay 2, Shloka 7)
This prediction also fit on prophet Muhammad (PBUH), when during the battle of UHAD, BADR etc. God sent His Angels for his help. For reference see Holy Quran (3:123,124,125)
* Kalki Avtar with his four companions or will kill the evil. (Kaiki Puran.Adhay 2,Shloka5)
There were four companions or helpers of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who helped him in spreading Islam. Their names are Umar (ra), Abu Bakr (ra), Usman (ra) and Ali (ra). After death of Prophet these companions ruled the country and practically imposed the religion. They are known as Khulafa – e – Rashideen in Islamic history. So this prediction also fit on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
* "There are 24 major Prophets, but Kalki Avtar will be the last one, who will be the end of all Prophets". (Bhagwat Puran Partham Khand Adhay 3, Shloka 25)
No Prophet except Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has declared himself as the last Prophet and it is the faith in Islam that Prophet Muhammad is the last Prophet and no Prophet will come after him. God Himself declared Muhammad (PBUH) as the last Prophet. For reference see (Holy Quran 33.40) “ he (Muhammad) is the messenger of Allah and the Seal of Prophets, and Allah is aware of all things ..” and in another place God says, “ .. This day I have perfected your religion for you and completed my favor to you. I have approved Islam to be your religion …” (5.3)
In the Holy Quran there are 25 Prophets mentioned by name including Prophet Ahmed (Muhammad) himself, so there were 24 major Prophets before Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). So these two predictions also fit on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Bhagut Puran, Skand 12, Adhiyai 12 Ashlok 19 tells him as "Jagat Pati", meaning, leader of the world.
Quran also tells us that he was sent as a 'blessing for all worlds'.
"He will be so beautiful that there will be no one like him."
(Bhagut Puran, Skand 12, Adhiyai 2, Ashlok 20)
It is clear from history and the narration of friends of Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) that he was having very remarkable and beautiful personality.
"A very sweet smell will emit out of the body of the Kalki Avtar, which will make the surrounding very pleasant and will make the feelings good"
(Bhagut Puran, Skand 12, Adhiyai 2, Ashlok 21)
It is reported in Hadith that body and perspiration of the prophet (peace be upon) was giving a very sweet smell. Abu Jaheefa narrates, "I put hand of prophet (peace be upon him) on my face, I found it colder than snow and sweeter in smell than musk." Jabir narrates, "If prophet (peace be upon him) passes from a street, the other passer by was recognizing from his pleasant smell that He has passed from there."
"This Leader of World will have eight divine qualities. And he will ride on a flying horse, and this horse will be give by the angel to him. And he will crush the disbelievers and cruel people."
(Bhagut Puran, Skand 12, Adhiyai 2, Ashlok 19-20)
The Eight Divine qualities are mentioned in Maha Bharat as:
Endowed with eight special qualities
Kalki Avatar will be endowed with eight special qualities. These qualities are wisdom, respectable lineage, self-control, revealed knowledge, valour, measured speech, utmost charity and gratitude. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had all these eight special qualities.
Wisdom – He was very wise. It is no wonder that several people approached him for guidance, even before he claimed to be a prophet.
Respectable lineage – He belonged to the noble tribe of Quraysh who were the caretakers of the sacred Kaaba.
Self-control – He was the best example of self-control. From history, we learn that his enemies on many occasions tried to instigate him. However, he was always patient and responded wisely.
Revealed knowledge – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) received the last and final revelation of God, which is the Glorious Qur’an through Archangel Gabriel.
Valour – Muhammad (pbuh) possessed great physical strength and courage. He took active part in the battles against his enemies and most of such battles were fought in self-defence against aggression by the other party.
Measured speech – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) spoke with emphasis and deliberation that people could not forget what he said. In his intercourse with others he would sit silent among his companions for long time but when he spoke his speech was eloquent and full of meaning and advise.
Utmost charity – Muhammad (pbuh) was very charitable and never disappointed anyone who asked for help even in situations when he himself was in financial difficulties. Many poor people lived only on his generosity.
Gratefulness – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was known for his gratefulness He showed immense gratitude to the Ansaars i.e. the helpers from the city of Madeenah.
The qualities mentioned here are very common qualities of the prophet mentioned in all history books.
1. He informed about past events from Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) to Jesus Christ (peace be upon him), about Abel and his brother, about Noah (peace be upon him), Nation of Aad, Thamud, Pharaoh, etc. and also many future events like Muslim invasion of Arabia, about body of Pharaoh discovered just in last century, about big bang, about Bombs, about plane, about second coming of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him), Anti-Christ Killing, Agog Magog etc. which we will discuss in next chapters.
2. It is well known that he was born in Banu Hathim a branch of most respected descendent of Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him).
3. He was having an utter self control.
4. God's message was sent to him.
5. He was strong in body. Once a famous wrestler of Makkah named Rakana Bin Abd e Yazid challenged the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and said, "if You will defeat me I will accept Islam". Then the Prophet (peace be upon him) defeated him three times and the wrestler accepted Islam.
6. He was speaking very little and when necessary only in minimum eloquent speech (sentences).
7. He was always spending his wealth on poor and needy and was never keeping anything saved for his future.
8. All his life, his action and his decision reveals having a deeper meaning and future insight.
After reading this we can make a sure belief that the Prophet awaited in Kali Yug is Mohammad (Peace be upon him).
"The prophet who will be born in Kali Yug, His name will be “SARWANAMA”."
(Chapter “Party Sarg” of Bhavishya Puran)
The meaning of “ANAMA” is praised one and “SARW” means all, so “Sarwanama” means the most revered or praised one and in Arabic language “Muhammad “ has the same meaning, if we translate Sanskrit word Sarwanama in to Arabic language it will be “Muhammad” only difference is the language.
Kalki Avatar
It is mentioned in Bhagvata Purana Khand 12 Adhyay 2 shlokas 18-20:
“It is in the house of Vishnuyash, the noble soul Brahmana chief of the village called sambhala that Lord Kalki will be incarnated”.
“The Lord of the universe, endowed with eight spiritual powers and excellence was unsurpassed in splendour and glory. Riding on a fleet horse given to him by angels, and with a sword in his hand, the saviour of the world will subdue all the miscreants”.
It is mentioned inBhagwat Purana Khand 1 Adhyay 3 Shloka 25:
“Then in the twilight of the Kali age, when kings will be as good as robbers, this protector of the world will be born of Vishnuyasa under the name Kalki“. The description of the Kalki Avatar i.e. the final Avatar is given in the verses Kalki Purana chapter 2 verses 4, 5, 7, 11 & 15.
1. Mother’s name Sumati i.e. Aaminah
The name of his mother will be Sumati (K.P.2: 4 & 11), which means gentle and thoughtful, Prophet Muhammad’s mother’s name was Aaminah, which means peaceful and gentle.
2. Father’s name Vishnuyash i.e. Abdullah.
His father’s name will be ‘Vishnuyash’ which means ‘worshipper of Vishnu’ i.e. ‘worshipper of God’. Muhammad’s father’s name was Abdullah which means ‘obedient worshipper of Allah i.e. God’.
3. Born in Sambhala i.e. Makkah
He will be born in a village called ‘Sambhala’ which means house of peace and security. Makkah is known as Darul Aman, which means house of peace and security.
4. Born in house of Chief Priest.
He will be born in the house of chief of the village Sambhala. Muhammad (pbuh) was born in the house of the chief of the Kaaba.
"So Kalki Avtar will take birth in 'Shambal Gram' in the house of brahmn Mahnt (religious leader) named Wishnu Wesh.
(Kalki Puran, Adhiyai 2, Ashlok 4),
(Bhagwat Puran, Skand 12, Adhyai 2, Ashlok 18)
BRAHMIN MAHANT mean spiritual and highly respected preist and Makkah’s highly respected preist was “Hasham”, then Hasham’s son “Abdul Mutlib” became the leading preist of Makkah, who was the grand father of prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Muhammad was born in home of Abdul Mutlib. In short, Muhammad was born in the respectable tribe of Quraish who enjoyed great respect and high place in Makkah.
5. Born on the 12th day of Madhav i.e. Rabi-ul-Awwal.
It is prophesied that Kalki Avtar will be born on the 12th day of the bright (first) half of the month of Madhav. It is a historical fact Muhammad (pbuh) was born on the 12th day of the bright half of the month of Rabi-ul-Awwal.
6. He will be the Antim or final Avatar
He has been described as the ‘Antim’ i.e. ‘the last and final’ of all the Avatars. The Qur’an also mentions:
"Kalki will born on 12th of month of Besakh (in 7th century)" (Kalki Puran, Adhiyai 2, Ashlok 15)
Besakh is famous month of Indian calendar. As per that calendar the date of birth of Mohammad (peace be upon him) is 12 Besakh 628 Bakrami. And that day as per Arabic calendar, Month Rabi I, year AlFeel and 2nd Monday. And this day was very pious near Hindus.
Date of birth of the Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) is exactly same in all history books.
Kalki Avtar would ride horse, camel and keep the sword to kill the devil and enemies of religion.
It means that Kalki Avtar will be born in the time before present age when horse and camel were used for riding and sword was being used for fight. And in this period and in the coming future people will use cars, train & planes for riding and guns, missiles for fighting. We should not forget that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used both horses & camels, and he fought with sword during battles against those who tried to eliminate the Muslims.
"Father of Kalki Avtar will die before his birth and his mother will die after some time of his birth."
(Kalki Puran & Bhagut Puran, Skand 12)
Father of the Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) died 6 month before his birth and mother died 6 years after his birth.
* Kalki Avtar’s Father will die before his birth and his Mother will die after few years of his birth. (Kalki Puran, Bhaghwat Puran Khand 12)
These two indications clearly fit on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). His Father died earlier to his birth and his Mother died when Muhammad was only six year old. For reference please study the life history of prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
According to Kalki Puran, the Kalki Avtar will receive wisdom or knowledge on a mountain’s cave from PERSHURAM (angel).
It is well known that Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) was often going to the cave Hira near Makkah (still present) and there one night Angel Gabriel brought the message of God, "Read with the name of God…." And this revelation process continued all his life. And Pershoram is name of an angel with Hindu religion who brings destruction for disbelievers. And one name for Gabriel is Ruh Al Quddus (Holy Spirit), which is synonym of Pershoram in Sanskrit.
For reference Holy Quran (96:1) “Read (Prophet Muhammad) with the name of Allah” and he replied “ I am not learned” the same indication was given in the Christian’s scripture (Isaiah chapter 29 verse 12) “ and the book delivered to him that is not learned, saying “ Read this”, I pray thee: and he said, I am not learned”, this is another prove of his prophecy. So prophet Muhammad received his first revelation in the cave of mountain HIRA. And this prediction also fits on him.
"Kalki Avtar will marry a respected lady of Salmal Dip and this marriage ceremony will be arranged by one uncle and three brothers."
(Kalki Puran & Bhagut Puran)
Salmal Dip is Arabian Peninsula as per old Hindu traditions. The wife of Mohammad (peace be upon him) was Khudija and she was most respected lady in Quraish. The marriage ceremony was arranged by his uncle Abu Talib his three sons Jafar, Talib and Aqeel.
"Kalki Avtar will start preaching his religion from his city Shumbal Gram (city of peace), which is in Salmal Dip (Arabia). The people of this city will oppose him and treat him cruelly. Then he will leave this city and migrate to another city in North which will be surrounded by rocky hills and mountains. And after a certain period He will come back to his native city with sword and conquer it. And after that all the country will be conquered.
(Kalki Puran)
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) started his preaching from Makkah (city of peace), which is situated in the Arabian peninsula. Such a land mass surrounded on most of its sides by water is geographically known as “deep” in hindi and “Jazeera” in urdu and Arabic. Thus Saudi Arabia is also commonly known in the Arabic speaking world as Jazeeratul Arab or the island of Arabia (called in kalki puran as salmal deep).
You see Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) started preaching in City of Peace (Makkah) and he was opposed by his people. The he migrated to Madinah which is 400km to the North of Makkah, and is surrounded by the mountains. And after reaching here the Makkans started fighting with the Muslims. And after eight years, he came with sword to Makkah and conquered it and then he promulgated the law of God. And after that all Arab was conquered.
* He will receive a flying horse from God, which will be faster than lightning. Riding it he will go around earth and seven skies” (Bhagwat Puran Khand 12, Adhay 2, Shloka 19-20)
This prediction is about Kalki Avtar also match with the Incidence of “MIRAJ” For reference see Holy Quran (17.1) and for detail Hadith s of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) regarding Incidence of Miraj.
Kalki will fight with the enemies of religion with sword and will destroy many Satan natured and bad character people in the disguise of rulers.
(Bhagut Puran)
* According to the scripture Kalki Avtaar will split the moon.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) showed this miracle 1,400 ago. For reference see Holy Quran (54:1-3) “The hour drew night and moon rend (split) in twain …” For more details about moon splitting please study the hadiths of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (Volume 4, book 56, number 830-832 and volume 5, book 58, number 209-211) According to these hadiths” the people of Makkah asked Allah’s Apostle to show a miracle (sign of his Prophecy). So he showed them the moon split in two halves between which they saw the Hiram Mountain”
There is an interesting tradition in India. Bhoj was an Indian king, there is still city Bhoj on his name in the territory of Kachh (Gujrat). Raja was born after so many years of Bhavish Puran during the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). One night he saw moon splitting in two, he asked the Pundits, they studied the Vedas and Puranas, and told the king that this is the miracle of last prophet, when king asked the signs or descriptions of the Prophet, they told,” He will be from the city of peace (Makkah) and will be born in the house of a religious saint, his name will be “Narashansah” (the praised one) meaning Muhammad in Arabic, he will have four Khulafa and have 12 wifes “. In search of Narashansah, he came to know that he appeared in Makkah. He met with him and embraced Islam at the hand of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and prophet gave him the name Abdullah, when he came back to home his family did not accept him. He spend his whole life in remembering Prophet and in worship of one God.
For reference (Dr. Kamala Kant Tewari’s book “Kalyuge Ke Antim Rishi” Page5, he took this from Pundit Dharm Ved Apadhye’s book “Antim Ishwar Doot” page 97). So Raja was the first Indian who embraced Islam.
Kalki Avtar will be helped by angel during war. (Kalki Puran Adhay 2, Shloka 7)
This prediction also fit on prophet Muhammad (PBUH), when during the battle of UHAD, BADR etc. God sent His Angels for his help. For reference see Holy Quran (3:123,124,125)
* Kalki Avtar with his four companions or will kill the evil. (Kaiki Puran.Adhay 2,Shloka5)
There were four companions or helpers of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who helped him in spreading Islam. Their names are Umar (ra), Abu Bakr (ra), Usman (ra) and Ali (ra). After death of Prophet these companions ruled the country and practically imposed the religion. They are known as Khulafa – e – Rashideen in Islamic history. So this prediction also fit on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
* "There are 24 major Prophets, but Kalki Avtar will be the last one, who will be the end of all Prophets". (Bhagwat Puran Partham Khand Adhay 3, Shloka 25)
No Prophet except Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has declared himself as the last Prophet and it is the faith in Islam that Prophet Muhammad is the last Prophet and no Prophet will come after him. God Himself declared Muhammad (PBUH) as the last Prophet. For reference see (Holy Quran 33.40) “ he (Muhammad) is the messenger of Allah and the Seal of Prophets, and Allah is aware of all things ..” and in another place God says, “ .. This day I have perfected your religion for you and completed my favor to you. I have approved Islam to be your religion …” (5.3)
In the Holy Quran there are 25 Prophets mentioned by name including Prophet Ahmed (Muhammad) himself, so there were 24 major Prophets before Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). So these two predictions also fit on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Bhagut Puran, Skand 12, Adhiyai 12 Ashlok 19 tells him as "Jagat Pati", meaning, leader of the world.
Quran also tells us that he was sent as a 'blessing for all worlds'.
"He will be so beautiful that there will be no one like him."
(Bhagut Puran, Skand 12, Adhiyai 2, Ashlok 20)
It is clear from history and the narration of friends of Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) that he was having very remarkable and beautiful personality.
"A very sweet smell will emit out of the body of the Kalki Avtar, which will make the surrounding very pleasant and will make the feelings good"
(Bhagut Puran, Skand 12, Adhiyai 2, Ashlok 21)
It is reported in Hadith that body and perspiration of the prophet (peace be upon) was giving a very sweet smell. Abu Jaheefa narrates, "I put hand of prophet (peace be upon him) on my face, I found it colder than snow and sweeter in smell than musk." Jabir narrates, "If prophet (peace be upon him) passes from a street, the other passer by was recognizing from his pleasant smell that He has passed from there."
"This Leader of World will have eight divine qualities. And he will ride on a flying horse, and this horse will be give by the angel to him. And he will crush the disbelievers and cruel people."
(Bhagut Puran, Skand 12, Adhiyai 2, Ashlok 19-20)
The Eight Divine qualities are mentioned in Maha Bharat as:
Endowed with eight special qualities
Kalki Avatar will be endowed with eight special qualities. These qualities are wisdom, respectable lineage, self-control, revealed knowledge, valour, measured speech, utmost charity and gratitude. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had all these eight special qualities.
Wisdom – He was very wise. It is no wonder that several people approached him for guidance, even before he claimed to be a prophet.
Respectable lineage – He belonged to the noble tribe of Quraysh who were the caretakers of the sacred Kaaba.
Self-control – He was the best example of self-control. From history, we learn that his enemies on many occasions tried to instigate him. However, he was always patient and responded wisely.
Revealed knowledge – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) received the last and final revelation of God, which is the Glorious Qur’an through Archangel Gabriel.
Valour – Muhammad (pbuh) possessed great physical strength and courage. He took active part in the battles against his enemies and most of such battles were fought in self-defence against aggression by the other party.
Measured speech – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) spoke with emphasis and deliberation that people could not forget what he said. In his intercourse with others he would sit silent among his companions for long time but when he spoke his speech was eloquent and full of meaning and advise.
Utmost charity – Muhammad (pbuh) was very charitable and never disappointed anyone who asked for help even in situations when he himself was in financial difficulties. Many poor people lived only on his generosity.
Gratefulness – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was known for his gratefulness He showed immense gratitude to the Ansaars i.e. the helpers from the city of Madeenah.
The qualities mentioned here are very common qualities of the prophet mentioned in all history books.
1. He informed about past events from Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) to Jesus Christ (peace be upon him), about Abel and his brother, about Noah (peace be upon him), Nation of Aad, Thamud, Pharaoh, etc. and also many future events like Muslim invasion of Arabia, about body of Pharaoh discovered just in last century, about big bang, about Bombs, about plane, about second coming of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him), Anti-Christ Killing, Agog Magog etc. which we will discuss in next chapters.
2. It is well known that he was born in Banu Hathim a branch of most respected descendent of Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him).
3. He was having an utter self control.
4. God's message was sent to him.
5. He was strong in body. Once a famous wrestler of Makkah named Rakana Bin Abd e Yazid challenged the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and said, "if You will defeat me I will accept Islam". Then the Prophet (peace be upon him) defeated him three times and the wrestler accepted Islam.
6. He was speaking very little and when necessary only in minimum eloquent speech (sentences).
7. He was always spending his wealth on poor and needy and was never keeping anything saved for his future.
8. All his life, his action and his decision reveals having a deeper meaning and future insight.
After reading this we can make a sure belief that the Prophet awaited in Kali Yug is Mohammad (Peace be upon him).
Friday, June 6, 2008
Ahmad Pandit (fromerly Acharya Sanjay Dwivedi, a prominent priest) found Islam from his knowledge of the Vedas
A news item covering one of Mr Ahmad pandit's programs in Dubai. (To view the enlarged image, click on the image)
Ahmad pandit belongs to a renowned brahmin family of India. He is educated at one of the four leading centres of learning of Hindu priests. the former president of All India Brahmin Association and runs the Al-Hidayaa institute for comparative studies of religions at Hyderabad, India.
Scholars who have done extensive research comparing Hinduism and Islam and their major works
1. Maulana Abdul Haq Vidyarthi
Maulana Abdul Haq Vidyarthi was a renowned scholar of his time who wrote the book "Muhammad in World Scriptures" first published in 1940 in Lahore. The book is based on extensive research and shows the prophecies about prophet Mohammad in many religious books of different religions including the Hindu, Cristian and Hebrew religious texts. To do his researh on different religious texts, he learned many languages including Hebrew and Sanskrit to comprehend the sense and meaning of the religious books directly. He also published a part of Yajur Veda (the religious book of the Hinduism) translated into Urdu. He toured many countries doing research, visiting libraries and giving lectures. He also visited USA during 1959-1962.
"Muhammad in World Scriptures"
Maulana Abdul Haq Vidyarthi wrote the book originally in urdu in 1936 titled "Mithaq-un-Nabiyyeen". The book was translated into English and published in 1940 titled "Muhammad in World Scriptures". The author expanded the English versions considerably afterwards between 1966 and 1975. The new versions came out in three volumes. The books is published in India by Adam Publishers in 1990.
2. Acharya Maulana Shams Naved Usmani
‘Acharya’ and ‘Maulana’ are two titles that rarely, if ever, go together. The former is a term generally reserved for Brahmin teachers of the Hindu scriptures, particularly the Vedas. ‘Maulana’ is a title of respect for an Islamic scholar. Few sholars in India, except some noted medieval Sufis, could have claimed to have mastered both the Vedas and the Quran, and the late Acharya Maulana Shams Naved Usmani was one of these rare personalities. He also had a Bachelor’s degree form one of the modern institutions- the Lucknow University.
Author of numerous books on the Hindu and Islamic scriptures, Acharya Maulana Usmani was a passionate advocate of Hindu-Muslim inter-faith dialogue, spawning a new trend in Indian Muslim literary and activist circles. Here we seek to explore Acharya Maulana Usmani’s contribution to inter-religious dialogue in contemporary India, examining its major thrust and its underlying agenda. Acharya Maulana Usmani’s thought inspired the writing of a number of texts by his disciples. He started a major movement, which gained a massive momentum due to simple yet deep comparative religious study of Hinduism and Islam and whose associate Hindus and Muslims have worked to change the hearts of thousands of people towards communal brotherhood.
Acharya Maulana Usmani chartered a new course in Islamic literature in India, seeking a commitment to inter-faith dialogue. His spirit is the moving force behind his disciples’ pens.
Life and Works
Shams Naved Usmani was born in 1931 at the town of Deoband in northern India, the centre of a powerful movement of Islamic reform. His family, the Usmanis, claimed descent from the third Caliph of the Sunnis, Usman (d.35/656), and was known for the numerous scholars it had produced. Among the well-known ulama who belonged to the family were such figures as Allamah Shabbir Ahmad Usmani (d.1369/1949), who later went on to become one of the foremost Islamic scholars in Pakistan and Maulana Amir Usmani, a well-known writer and editor of the Urdu monthly, Tajalli.
He began his education by studying Arabic and Persian at home, after which, at the age of ten, he enrolled at the Dar ul-Ulum at Deoband in order to train as an aalim, graduating in 1945. Later he recived a Bachelor’s degree form the Lucknow university. In 1954 he was appointed as an English teacher at the Government Oriental College, Rampur.
Acharya Maulana Usmani was a gifted writer, and began contributing articles to various Urdu periodicals at a young age.
Usmani believed that it was the principal duty of Muslims to actively work to present God’s message to others. He lived in a small two-room rented apartment in Rampur, spending much time in prayer and meditation.
Following in the path of numerous Sufis before him, Acharya Maulana Usmani took an interest in the scriptures of other religions. He spent several years learning and mastering Sanskrit, the language of the Brahminical scriptures, after which he is said to have made a detailed study of the Vedas, the Upanishads and the Gita, in addition to the Bible. Like many Sufis, he came to believe that the most appropriate way to carry on the Islamic daawah in India was to express Islam in terms that the Hindus would find familiar and intelligible, and to this concern he focussed much of his attention. He gathered a number of close disciples around him, several of whom later went on to popularise his views through their own writings. He also set up the World Organisation of Religion and Knowledge at Rampur in order to promote research on other faiths from a distinctly Islamic perspective and to launch a programme of publications. Presently, the organisation is headed by Acharya Maulana Usmani’s chief disciple, Sayyed Abdullah Tariq who is an engineer by professional training. The organization regularly organizes programs and lectures delivering the precious knowledge largly unknown to both hindus and muslims. The organization can be contacted for organizing a program in your area.
The address of World Organisation of Religion and Knowledge, India:
World Organisation of Religion and Knowledge,
Abdullah Tariq
Bazar Nasrullah Khan
Rampur, U.P, India -244901.
“Agar ab bhi na jaage toh (If You Do Not Wake Up Now Then)”
(English translation: Now or Never by Abdullah Tariq)
Having been through over ten editions and translated into several Indian languages as well as English, Acharya Maulana Usmani’s Agar Abhi Na Jage To (If You Do Not Wake Up Now) is his most well known work. It is said to have been the product of fifteen long years of research, first coming out in the form of several instalments in the Delhi-based Urdu paper, Akhbar-i Nau. It is, to summarise its contexts, a heart-rending plea to the Muslims to wake up to the fact that the Hindus are the community of Noah (called prophet Nooh in Islam and Nyooh or Manu in hinduism) and that the Vedas are the divine scriptures, which Noah was commissioned by God to deliver to his people.
3. Pundit Vedprakash Upadhyay
The scholar was a learned and famous Hindu professor. He wrote many books. Pundit Vedprakash Upadhyay was a Hindu Brahmin of Bengali origin. He was a research scholar at Allahabad University.
“Kalki Avatar aur Mohammad sahib”
After years of research, he published the book “Kalki Avatar aur Mohammad sahib” in 1969, and no less than eight pundits have endorsed and certified his points of argument as authentic.
What the author says is that Hindus, who are still anxiously awaiting the arrival of Kalki Avatar, are simply subjecting themselves to never ending pain. Because, such a great messenger has already arrived and departed from this world fourteen centuries ago. The author produces sound evidences in the book from the Vedas and other holy books of the Hindu religion in support of his claim.
Maulana Abdul Haq Vidyarthi was a renowned scholar of his time who wrote the book "Muhammad in World Scriptures" first published in 1940 in Lahore. The book is based on extensive research and shows the prophecies about prophet Mohammad in many religious books of different religions including the Hindu, Cristian and Hebrew religious texts. To do his researh on different religious texts, he learned many languages including Hebrew and Sanskrit to comprehend the sense and meaning of the religious books directly. He also published a part of Yajur Veda (the religious book of the Hinduism) translated into Urdu. He toured many countries doing research, visiting libraries and giving lectures. He also visited USA during 1959-1962.
"Muhammad in World Scriptures"
Maulana Abdul Haq Vidyarthi wrote the book originally in urdu in 1936 titled "Mithaq-un-Nabiyyeen". The book was translated into English and published in 1940 titled "Muhammad in World Scriptures". The author expanded the English versions considerably afterwards between 1966 and 1975. The new versions came out in three volumes. The books is published in India by Adam Publishers in 1990.
2. Acharya Maulana Shams Naved Usmani
‘Acharya’ and ‘Maulana’ are two titles that rarely, if ever, go together. The former is a term generally reserved for Brahmin teachers of the Hindu scriptures, particularly the Vedas. ‘Maulana’ is a title of respect for an Islamic scholar. Few sholars in India, except some noted medieval Sufis, could have claimed to have mastered both the Vedas and the Quran, and the late Acharya Maulana Shams Naved Usmani was one of these rare personalities. He also had a Bachelor’s degree form one of the modern institutions- the Lucknow University.
Author of numerous books on the Hindu and Islamic scriptures, Acharya Maulana Usmani was a passionate advocate of Hindu-Muslim inter-faith dialogue, spawning a new trend in Indian Muslim literary and activist circles. Here we seek to explore Acharya Maulana Usmani’s contribution to inter-religious dialogue in contemporary India, examining its major thrust and its underlying agenda. Acharya Maulana Usmani’s thought inspired the writing of a number of texts by his disciples. He started a major movement, which gained a massive momentum due to simple yet deep comparative religious study of Hinduism and Islam and whose associate Hindus and Muslims have worked to change the hearts of thousands of people towards communal brotherhood.
Acharya Maulana Usmani chartered a new course in Islamic literature in India, seeking a commitment to inter-faith dialogue. His spirit is the moving force behind his disciples’ pens.
Life and Works
Shams Naved Usmani was born in 1931 at the town of Deoband in northern India, the centre of a powerful movement of Islamic reform. His family, the Usmanis, claimed descent from the third Caliph of the Sunnis, Usman (d.35/656), and was known for the numerous scholars it had produced. Among the well-known ulama who belonged to the family were such figures as Allamah Shabbir Ahmad Usmani (d.1369/1949), who later went on to become one of the foremost Islamic scholars in Pakistan and Maulana Amir Usmani, a well-known writer and editor of the Urdu monthly, Tajalli.
He began his education by studying Arabic and Persian at home, after which, at the age of ten, he enrolled at the Dar ul-Ulum at Deoband in order to train as an aalim, graduating in 1945. Later he recived a Bachelor’s degree form the Lucknow university. In 1954 he was appointed as an English teacher at the Government Oriental College, Rampur.
Acharya Maulana Usmani was a gifted writer, and began contributing articles to various Urdu periodicals at a young age.
Usmani believed that it was the principal duty of Muslims to actively work to present God’s message to others. He lived in a small two-room rented apartment in Rampur, spending much time in prayer and meditation.
Following in the path of numerous Sufis before him, Acharya Maulana Usmani took an interest in the scriptures of other religions. He spent several years learning and mastering Sanskrit, the language of the Brahminical scriptures, after which he is said to have made a detailed study of the Vedas, the Upanishads and the Gita, in addition to the Bible. Like many Sufis, he came to believe that the most appropriate way to carry on the Islamic daawah in India was to express Islam in terms that the Hindus would find familiar and intelligible, and to this concern he focussed much of his attention. He gathered a number of close disciples around him, several of whom later went on to popularise his views through their own writings. He also set up the World Organisation of Religion and Knowledge at Rampur in order to promote research on other faiths from a distinctly Islamic perspective and to launch a programme of publications. Presently, the organisation is headed by Acharya Maulana Usmani’s chief disciple, Sayyed Abdullah Tariq who is an engineer by professional training. The organization regularly organizes programs and lectures delivering the precious knowledge largly unknown to both hindus and muslims. The organization can be contacted for organizing a program in your area.
The address of World Organisation of Religion and Knowledge, India:
World Organisation of Religion and Knowledge,
Abdullah Tariq
Bazar Nasrullah Khan
Rampur, U.P, India -244901.
“Agar ab bhi na jaage toh (If You Do Not Wake Up Now Then)”
(English translation: Now or Never by Abdullah Tariq)
Having been through over ten editions and translated into several Indian languages as well as English, Acharya Maulana Usmani’s Agar Abhi Na Jage To (If You Do Not Wake Up Now) is his most well known work. It is said to have been the product of fifteen long years of research, first coming out in the form of several instalments in the Delhi-based Urdu paper, Akhbar-i Nau. It is, to summarise its contexts, a heart-rending plea to the Muslims to wake up to the fact that the Hindus are the community of Noah (called prophet Nooh in Islam and Nyooh or Manu in hinduism) and that the Vedas are the divine scriptures, which Noah was commissioned by God to deliver to his people.
3. Pundit Vedprakash Upadhyay
The scholar was a learned and famous Hindu professor. He wrote many books. Pundit Vedprakash Upadhyay was a Hindu Brahmin of Bengali origin. He was a research scholar at Allahabad University.
“Kalki Avatar aur Mohammad sahib”
After years of research, he published the book “Kalki Avatar aur Mohammad sahib” in 1969, and no less than eight pundits have endorsed and certified his points of argument as authentic.
What the author says is that Hindus, who are still anxiously awaiting the arrival of Kalki Avatar, are simply subjecting themselves to never ending pain. Because, such a great messenger has already arrived and departed from this world fourteen centuries ago. The author produces sound evidences in the book from the Vedas and other holy books of the Hindu religion in support of his claim.
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